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Store Policies & Terms of Use

Store Policies & Terms of Use

Your Statutory rights are not affected by any of the following store policies.

Acceptance of Store Policies & Terms of Use:
The use of eshop.house-of-light.gr and the provided files, material and information requires full acceptance of the hereby given store policies and terms of use which the user is hereby asked to carefully read and accept in order to keep on using this site. Using this site and provided services presupposes full acceptance of our store policies and terms of use. In case the user does not fully agree he is herby requested to not use any page or part of this website. We may change without further notice our store policies and terms of use. All users are obliged to inform themselves and fully agree if use of this site is intended.

The House of Light Hellas is a virtual, nonincorporated society, where memebership is required for acces to information and products. Anyone who reads these terms of use and fully aggrees can become meber simply by continuing the use of this website. Membership is limited by the time of stay in the website and does not request any monetary involvement. The hOuse of Light Helals is made by humans for humans and is to be used as such as a place of human exchange! All exchange being done via this website is between humans inside our closed society, House of Light Hellas.

Limitation of Liability:
The use of this website eshop.house-of-light.gr is done on the member's own risk and solely with his free will as a human being. No liability can be reclaimed whatsoever concerning any damage, injury or harm of any kind that may directly or indirectly result from the given information, photos, symbols, material in general or from the provided products such as meditations, teachings etc.
At no point there is being given any kind of advice whatsoever to do or not do anything especially in terms of health care and cures. All use of the provided material and further actions are made by free choice of the memeber. We do not make diagnosis in the medical sense, nor do we direct anyone to do or refrain from doing something in this regard. All provided health and self-awareness material and sessions do not substitute the visit to a health professional, medical doctor or psychologist and are regarded only as supplemental means for a better overall wellbeing. 
The House of Light is also not liable for any kind of material in digital or physical form being sent to us without prior agreement. In these cases we may use material for information and teaching purposes via our website.

All House of Light digital files as well as posted articles, texts, photos etc. are the property of and are copyrighted to the House of Light - alexandros m. pfaff, human being, and are therefore for 'personal' use only and not to be reproduced, copied or distributed without written permission.
We do, however, approve a non-commercial use of articles, texts, photos etc. if a proper credit line is included for all physical material, and a proper credit line with hyperlink to the specific page in our website for all web use. The credit line should read as follows:

copyright ©2024 the House of Light, eshop.house-of-light.gr/…

This permission does apply only to posted material NOT to downloadable audio files! It also does not mean transfer of copyrights to any user and is only an action of good will from the House of Light for spreading news and information that may be of wider interest. This permission does also not apply to material that is copyrighted to others. In these cases please contact the legal copyright holders directly via the provided link. We count on your integrity!

Hyperlinks (Links):
Links to other websites, webpages, blogs etc. do not necessarily imply our consent to the provided material in those webspaces. All memberrs may follow by free will and choice on their own risk the provided links. the House of Light Hellas is not responsible for any of the contents of other websites or blogs.

Ordering Online & Exchange Methods:
Ordering Online with us is safe and secure! Exchanges can be made via Paypal, Mastercard and Visa but can be done also via banktransfer or any other medium, please contact us at info[at]house-of-light.gr and we will be happy to assist you.
Your electronic download files can be accessed immediately after exchange completion via a link provided in your order confirmation email as well as through accessing your account. Please note that all downloadable files are available for a period of three days with a maximum of three tries. In case you may have any trouble with downloading your files, please contact us at info[at]house-of-light.gr

All our products and files are labeled with a price which is shown on the product pages on the date the member places the order.

Quality Guarantee:
All products are carefully chosen, inspected and/or produced to maintain the highest possible quality standards. We are happy to assist you for any kind of problems may occur. We always find a solution from human to human.

Return & Refund Policy:
No digital material can be returned or refunded. CDs are also nonrefundable. Other products such as divining rods, or the HOL Raytransformer are refundable with a full money-back guarantee, 2 weeks for the rods or other products (only if with in NEW condition!), 8 weeks for the HOL Raytransformers.

Shipping & Handling Costs:
All shipping and handling costs are charged on the memeber. In case of returns there may be a small handling fee applicable. Please contact us beforehand. All items are shipped with Hellenic Post as registered letter or parcel. The risk of shipping holds the member. In case the memebr prefers shipping via courier with full insurance, they shall contact us in order to choose the most convenient company. (Please note, that there has never been any case of items being damaged or lost via Post shipping so far!)

Privacy Information:

We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this web site. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information. Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart. We use cookies to identify you so we can retrieve your information and you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit our site. Our site's registration form requires users to give us contact information, like their name and email address, and unique identifiers. We use customer contact information from the registration form to send the user information about our company. The customer's contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary if they have subscribed to the mail list. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings by choosing to un-subscribe. Unique identifiers are collected to verify the user's identity and for use in our record system. This site may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites. Our site uses an order form for customers to request information, products, and services.


Bank connection:

alexander martin pfaff



IBAN: BE33 9672 6517 6946


Contact via email: info[at]house-of-light[dot]gr