Privacy Policy
We hereby declare that we DO NOT ACCEPT and that we DO NOT FEEL BOUND BY THE EU GDPR!
We will shortly post a detailed analysis also in English, why we follow this policy and what the real purpose of the GDPR is!
However, we have always and will always respect your personal data and take utmost care, so that your personal data will not be misused by any anauthorised thrid parties.
Introduction and general information
We take protecting your information very seriously. Your data are therefore processed with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws but not with the GDPR which, in fact, is not fully possible anyway, as it is built this way, that there may always be a door to construct a non-conformity and put a fine to anyone and any company!
Organisational and technical security measures have been taken to protect all of our websites as well as our physical PCs against the risks present in processing personal data. We want you to know and feel safe and well informed whenever you use our website, as your personal data are concerned.
With giving your consent to the following data-protection policy, you agree that the House of Light Hellas may ask for, process and use your personal data in accordance to Greek laws and other applicable regulations.
alexandros pfaff
Kyprou 48, 1535 Vrilissia
tel: *30-210 5616300
Privacy information in short:
We have created this privacy statement in order for you to be informed that we have and will fully respect your privacy and will take the utmost care for the protection of your personal data.
The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this web site. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information. Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart. We use cookies to identify you so we can retrieve your information and you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit our site. Our site's registration form requires users to give us contact information, like their name and email address, and unique identifiers. We use customer contact information from the registration form (email-address) to send the user our newsletter if they have subscribed to the mail list. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings at any time and without any fees/costs by choosing to un-subscribe. Unique identifiers are collected to verify the user's identity and for use in our record system. This site may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites. All webactivities and given personal data are safe thanks to SSL-encription.
All electronically saved personal data on our PC is also safe against misuse due to encription and/or password use.
Personal data
Personal data are are data about personal circumstances of a specific natural person such as data which are being asked for during registration process for newsletter, online shopping etc. According to this definition any data which are being stored soley for statistical purposes and which are not routable/linkable to a natural person do not belong to the category of personal data.
General terms and conditions
When entering the website and we will store and process data about your visit on our site such as date, duration, specific pages, your internet-provider, ip-address etc. which are solely used by the House of Light Hellas for statistics purposes only. You as a person remain anonymous.
Additional data such as your full name, address, phone-number, email-address etc. will only be stored with your full consent and free will to doing so. This is the case e.g. when you subscribe for our newsletter or for any online purchase. Your personal data are being processed and used according to applicable laws and regulations and solely for the purpose they have been given e.g. an online purchase. We will never give your data to any unauthorized third parties. All monetary transaction are realised via the safe platform of PayPal, who is solely responsible for all "sensitive" data, such as credit card information. Please refer to
PayPal for further information.
All data stored on our physical PC are protected against illegal use via encryption and/or the use of passwords for specific files.
Contact via email: info[at]house-of-light[dot]gr