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M-Series MP3 English
The official House of Light
Guided Meditations for Systematic Self-Awareness
by alexandros m. pfaff in MP3 Format
9 GOOD reasons why YOU CHOOSE the House of Light guided meditations:
1. We have experience of many years in this sector and before choosing something for our students and friends we first use and test everything thoroughly ourselves so that we actually know that it IS going to work and guarantee their efficiency, no matter what!
2. We create the House of Light meditations on basis of our intuition and spiritual guidance and we synthesise brand new information and techniques given forth by the Company of Heaven with traditional information and techniques that have already been used over the decades or even centuries in the former mystery schools. This synthesis of the old with the new creates a real explosive mixture in terms of its efficiency and impact on the students.
3. As an active member for many years in the famous Hanover's boy's choir, alexandros m. pfaff has been blessed with intensive voice training that has provided him an excellent tool for guided meditation and hypnosis, which actually supports in an active way the incoming of the down streaming energies and dispensations to a great extend.
4. We do not simply read a manuscript in front of a microphone but we actually do in practice the meditation in that very moment so that all present energies really flow into the recordings.
5. We record with professional equipment to gain and provide you highest quality.
6. We check and edit in detail each recording to guarantee the best possible quality.
7. We use technical effects to enhance and rise the efficiency of our meditations, especially in terms of deep relaxation (to theta levels) which is the real crux for intensive and efficient subconscious mind programming.
8. We offer all meditations in the eco-friendly and economical MP3 Format.
9. We dare to claim, that the House of Light Meditations belong at present world wide to the best of their category!
So if you want to use our state of the art efficient tools for your personal growth and path, then
The Systematic Self-Awareness Meditations from the House of Light are excellent tools for guaranteed spiritual progress, if used on a regular basis and combined, of course, with all that IS necessary in your daily life for progress on your personal path. These meditations cover a wide range of subjects from general application to specially formulated meditations e.g. for grounding, soul-connection, Antahkarana building, soul-infusion, personal health, power, love etc.
All House of Light guided mediations are enhanced with technical effects for extra high efficiency, such as subliminal, reverse, binaural beats for brainwave synchronisation. This way you get intensively reprogrammed with hundreds of positive invocations & affirmations while following deeply relaxed the meditative journey. All meditations are guided by alexandros m. pfaff. Music IS either by Marina Raye or specially formulated sounds and effects by alexandros m. pfaff.
ATTENTION: Please note that deep relaxation music/meditations MUST NOT BE USED/LISTENED TO WHENEVER YOUR FULL ATTENTION IS REQUIRED (e.g. driving a vehicle, using machines, electronic or mechanical devices that may cause injury or physical harm to yourself or others!
note: At present these meditations are available in mp3 format in Greek and German language and are currently being translated. Please check for availability or send us an email if you would like to purchase a specific title so that we may give it priority...
many blessings to all of you!
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